Monday, September 29, 2008


思想巨人與經營之神 / 遠流出版
Perseus Publishing Staff. Business: The Ultimate Resource.
London, GBR: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2002. p 917.The Age of Discontinuity/ Peter F. Drucker

The Competitive Advantage of Nations/Michael Porter
Nations, competition, and productivity
How to Win Friends and Influence People/Dale Carnegie
Innovation in Marketing/Theodore Levitt
Intellectual Capital/Thomas Stewart
The Living Company: Habits for Survival in a Turbulent Business Environment/ Arie de Geus
sensitive to their environment; cohesive, with a strong sense of identity; tolerant; conservative in financing.
Management Teams: Why They Succeed or Fail/ R. Meredith Belbin
Nine archetypal functions make up an ideal team: 育苗者plant, 協調者coordinator, 塑造者shaper, 團隊工作者teamworker, 完成者completer, 執行者implementer, 資源調查者resource investigator, 專家specialist, and 監控評估者monitor evaluator. Unsuccessful teams can be improved by analyzing their composition and making appropriate changes.
Marketing Management/ Philip Kotler
Marketers must know when to:
  1. cultivate large markets or niche markets;
  2. launch new brands or extend existing brand names;
  3. push or pull products through distribution;
  4. protect the domestic market or penetrate aggressively into foreign markets;
  5. add more benefits to the offer or reduce the price;
  6. expand or contract budgets for sales force, advertising, and other marketing tools.
Motivation and Personality / Abraham Maslow
Maslow introduced the concept of a hierarchy of needs which has formed an integral part of marketing, human resource, motivational, and management literature ever since. The book makes an important contribution to the emergence of human relations as a professional discipline.
Organizational Culture and Leadership / Edgar Schein
Organizational Learning / Chris Argyris, Donald Schon

Saturday, September 20, 2008






本想回應朋友的討論:其實可以判斷,只是我不是專業人士,應該滿多資料可以參考的,只是通常不是圖卡(也不中立的人或媒體做的懶人包)。社群媒體就是愛這一味:片面又挑起對立的,比較會吸眼球,例如亡國感、抗中保台就很常被拿出來講,但其實很多政治的事都不需要這樣操作。 最近比較...
