Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The Fair or Festivel Culture

I do love the Fair Culture in the western life. Every year at one particular place will happen a fair. The fair may not be too big or too long, but it would be unique and special. All the town/county/tribe people would participate in and be involved in the activity. And the others would see the passionate and beauty of their work or show or ceremony.

The most beautiful part I must say is the ceremony. Everybody concentrates on the ceremony by praying or dancing or singing. Even you just stand around you can feel it and touch it. What a wonderful thing in the world! It's not like the business activity in a modern city. It may come from our tradition like Chinese New Year, but it ends up like other commercial activities or trading purpose. The true meaning and sanctity of the festival is almost died by our hand at last. How sad it is!For example, Dragon Festival becomes a festival to choosing the best ZungZi of the year. Everyone talks about the ZungZi. Do anybody remember why we set up this festival? To memorize what kind of spirit in our history? Moreover, it seems nobody watch the competition of dragon boat. I do love and recall those traditions and the spirit of those activities in the festival.

We watch and talk about the firework in every new year. But eventually that's not our new year. It's a new year of western world. In our culture, We do and should love and respect lunar more, like in our aboriginal tribe they do have their year fair or two-year fair in a particular time.

I wish we could find those traditional spirit back, meanwhile we should respect others tradition and believe. To protect us to be an understanding man. To prevent us from those purchase and chasing for loneliness and desperation. Nobody should be the one who believe totally transfer to western culture is the best answer for us because it will kill our mom and dad. The culture should be shared and be loved together, even more those cultures should love each other.

Keep in be touched, my friends.

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