Thursday, November 15, 2007

在家(At home)

姑姑家-陳興 | 姑姑家-阿婆與我

Last Friday I stayed at home and cleaned my room. Now it's better looking.週六陪阿婆去醫院看病,不知病因,所以還有一長串診斷與複診的路要走。看她雙眼無神的樣子,對照旁邊那個一直跑來跑去的陳興,這就是生命啊。Sunday I spent all my time with my family and discuss our future plans and wishes. Though we didn't have a fixed conclusion, we tried to draw the blue paper.

星期一早上我去淡水和林老師的研究團隊開例行會議,了解一下「數位典藏計畫」進行的成果以及老師需要我幫忙的地方。我也在思考這個經驗對我本身是不是會有幫助,值不值得我投入。After finishing, I rushed to Semen to meet with Elma and 佳文. Originally, we planed to eat at "三味食堂" which Sau-tin recommended to us. But it wasn't open. That's totally awful! Anyway, we had a great talk at Friday's(what a ordinary place). 和Elma緊接著趕場去超級無敵霹靂的Beyonce Experience演唱會,我們從開場high到離開,我愛Beyonce!我左手邊女生更屌,每一首歌都會唱,能坐/站在她旁邊真是太幸運了。前面和後面的人群整個就是不high,我懷疑他們是不是歌迷= =*。

Today I went to Tamsui again for the project I'm planning to involve into. Mr. Ling and I discussed a lot about what I can do in the project as well as some interesting topics I never thought before. I'll reconsider all of aspects and collect some reference to evaluate.


故事們-久(nine:Art/Culture )

有品質的生活是自己知道自己的心想要什麼,是否有錢是次​要的。努力知道自己的心是什麼是一輩子的功課,因為人的​心很深很廣。 - 這篇 從奈良一聲槍響說起 翻開古城史頁 保護文化遺產的一段軼聞 2022/07/31 07:00 文|心適 西元784年,日本將首都從奈良遷...
