Friday, March 25, 2016


IMG_0070 這一次 X戰警:天啟。

X-men 一直以來都不是關於強者的故事,不過他還是歸根在 英雄電影(?

對我來說,X-men拆解了 英雄主義裡面的很多東西(但我根本就不知道什麼是英雄主義 XD)。電影裡討論什麼是強,什麼是弱,怎麼樣達成強,怎麼樣完成弱,基因與突變是一個情境的轉化與科幻,將人類的處境設定到一個新的時代,但它又跟現實結合(美俄冷戰、古巴危機、集中營…),還有隨處可見對身份認同的隱喻等等。



這一次,X戰警將深入一個新的議題,什麼是神?什麼是神話?什麼是神可以決定或不能決定?它拿出了基督教、印度教、猶太教的原型來創作(當然這是漫畫原著就有的橋段) 還有四騎士呢。故事將發生在未來昔日(my blog, The Future Past)重新開始之後,所以很多人真的回來了/某種程度的復活,琴等等。

我好喜歡好喜歡X-men,雖說我應該很多地方看不懂的,但某幾部我已經買了DVD/藍光,我可以一直復習,直到我看懂為止。 Next》

 Apocalypse was Ra to the Egyptians, Krishna to the Hindi, and Yahweh the Israelites.

 "He got it from the bible." "Or the bible got it from him."

The religious/mythological tone in the film is quite obvious, even the characters candidly refer to the Bible and the four horseman (death, famine, war and pestilence).

Apocalypse introduces himself as, "I have been called many things over many lifetimes – Ra, Krishna, Yahweh."

There is no two ways about it, the film is hinting at Kalki (Vishnu's last and final avatar) that would destroy the world that has gone off the rails. As Devdutt Patnaik, scholar on Hindu mythology says, "Kalki was probably inspired by messianic thoughts that are prevalent in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. He was the deliverer and the saviour."

Recently, Rajan Zed, the President of Universal Society of Hinduism said that Lord Krishna, highly revered in Hinduism, has been trivialised in the film and such usage of Hindu figures is inappropriate and disturbing to the devotees. He called for a deletion of all references to Krishna in the film.


As the director said in an interview with Empire, “What is a God? Why would someone create and rule over a race simply to be worshipped? It bears no respect or devotion to him – that’s the big giant ego of the old God. All of it lacks symmetry, order and devotion to him. It needs to be culled. It needs to be wiped away and rebuilt again.”

For that matter, religious texts and scriptures are open to interpretation, wherein lies the beauty of scholarship. -启示录

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